January- April 2020

May- December 2020

Title of workshop and test content

February 12th, 13th, 14th, 2020. I

Title of workshop and test content

February 26th, 27th 2020.

Title of workshop and test content

​February 29th -March 1st 2020

Title of workshop and test content

March 2nd 2020.



Title of workshop and test content

March 13th-14th 2020.


Title of workshop and test content

March 16th-20th, 2020.


Title of workshop and test content

April 4th-5th 2020


Title of workshop and test content

April 16th -18th 2020School


Title of workshop and test content



Title of workshop and test content

May 18th, 19th, 20th, 2020.


Title of workshop and test content

May 25th 2020

​May 26th-27th 2020


Title of workshop and test content

August 3rd-4th 2020


Title of workshop and test content

August 25th-26th 2020